Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bread, take two

I've been sick with the stomach flu. I'm off food. Except bananas and lipton instant soup with noodles. But before all that happened, I made this, successfully, and I just had to report.

It was fresh, and chewy, and pretty darn good. I substituted a bit of whole-wheat bread flour and a bit of rye for a one cup of the all-purpose. I don't have a pizza stone, so I used my giant cast-iron instead. Given that, I felt pretty proud, especially after seeing six dollar bread at the farmer's market. This may not be the best bread you ever tasted, but it was SO easy and kind of fun. Also, the book has tons of variations which I'm tempted to try.

Recipe here.

Now go vote already. And enjoy election parties. I'll be here with my jello.


Heather said...

mmmm, that looks perfect. i love bread.

Rebecca said...

feel better, Maggie, ox!

Zoe Francois said...

This loaf is gorgeous! Look at those air holes, perfection!!!!

Maggie said...

Aw, thanks! And thank you for the lovely book, truly.